
One day (Pudding-chan and Dango-chan story) collaboration with Pamz Art Ecstasy

~Ironic story~

One day Pudding-chan and Dango-chan felt bored and decided to go somewhere.

Then they traveled with magic dor that they've found and arrived in the The Ice-Carver land and saw a man who was crying over his friend.

The air is very hot while Pudding-chan and Dango-chan hate the heat.

Suddenly they saw a huge Ice

So they sit on the Ice till the ice melted

Just for Fun :P

Special thanks for Pamz Art Ecstasy

Once Upon a Time (Pudding-chan and Dango-chan story) #part 3

After several times, the girl open the fridge. Pudding-chan and Dango-chan felt sure that it will work well.

But in reality, the girl became more excited than before.

In the end, they saved with incomplete body


Once Upon a Time (Pudding-chan and Dango-chan story) #part 2

They saved for a while...

Then they saw an egg.

They ask some advice to escape form the girl. The egg said they have to make themselves as bad as they can so the girl won't eat them.

So Pudding-chan rolled herself into a colorful sprinkle. She though it will be horrible enough. 

Dango-chan dipped herself into some brown liquid called chocolate syrup. She though it will be horrible.